Bob Buck JR: (IA) https://bobbuckojr.bandcamp.com/ ALTO!: (PDX) https://altoexclamationpoint.bandcamp.com/ Binary Marketing Show: (PDX) https://thebinarymarketingshow.bandcamp.com/ $5 4/12/2017 turn turn turn
Bob Buck JR: (IA) https://bobbuckojr.bandcamp.com/ ALTO!: (PDX) https://altoexclamationpoint.bandcamp.com/ Binary Marketing Show: (PDX) https://thebinarymarketingshow.bandcamp.com/ $5 4/12/2017 turn turn turn
***plz note show moved from dark place house to pool’s closed house at SE 20th & Division across from New Seasons** Gnar Tapes presents: The Tubs (Belgium/Gnar Tapes/Burger Records) New
8-bit light show Tuesday, May 28th – 3 TOURING + 1 LOCAL / $3 Cover / BeerBeerBeer! Matt Owen & The Eclectic Tuba / Binary Marketing Show / The Woolen